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Robert G. Ingersoll quotation from “Individuality” (1873)
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The Robert Ingersoll Washington, D.C., Walking Tour

A View of the U.S. Capitol from Tour Stop #7
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A View of the U.S. Capitol from Tour Stop #7

Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899) was America’s foremost freethought orator. For seven years, from 1878 to 1885, he made his two Washington homes his base for his forays around the country delivering speeches on religion, politics and literature. During his Washington period, Ingersoll lectured mainly on “Some Mistakes of Moses,” “Hard Times and the Way Out” and “What We Must Do To Be Saved?” He also spoke on “Some Reasons Why,” “Skulls,” “Hell,” “Orthodoxy,” “Which Way,” “Liberty of Man, Woman, and Child,” “Robert Burns,” “Myths and Miracles,” and “The Great Infidels.”

Enjoy the virtual tour or use the printable version to take a self-guided, two-mile tour through some of the oldest parts of Washington, D.C. For an abbreviated self-guided, 1-1/4-mile tour, begin at tour stop #7. Since the Ingersoll grave is in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, it is not part of the walking tour, but it can be visited separately. Guided group tours are available on a limited basis.

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